Paging Bliss! Bliss, your table is now ready. We've talked about several concepts like seeking joy despite tough experiences; allowing ourselves to have more; and realizing that the better it gets, the better it gets. Now we are talking about one of the most basic - and most forgotten - steps: seeking our bliss.
Seeking out the things that bring us bliss is the foundation, the reset point. As we get busy in life, we often can be good at using coping strategies and helpful tips to keep us balanced in emotions and keep stress to a minimum. But we forget how big of a boost we receive from a good dose of bliss. And only you know what your bliss is. Only you know how many different things or situations bring you bliss.
For me, one thing that brings me bliss is the water. I love me a good body of water! It can be a lake, or a river, but my favorite is the ocean. I can listen to the ocean for hours at a time. I enjoy watching waves form and then collapse. I love the breeze that the ocean generates. All of the aspects of the ocean bring me bliss. And when I need a reset, I find my way to the ocean or the nearest alternate body of water. And I am renewed. If you seek your bliss and immerse yourself in that task, I know you will be renewed too.